Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Irony?? You know that heart attack that happens to a cardiologist?? Yeah...That thing....

Ever heard of a million to one chance???
Well statistics show that million to one chances take place nine times out of ten....
Weird eh???
Do you trust your probability???
God Bless Terry Pratchett man...All I'm saying.....

Very important in some of our lives....Not so important in others......
Funny isn't it when a football lover and non-football lover get together.....
Extract from a first blind date with above scenario :

Guy: "So....What are your interests??"
Girl: "I love to follow the EPl... Its like a way of life to me....Are you interested in it too??"

(The one in million guy who has no idea about football or clubs and has a zilch of an interest in it
meets the 100 in million girl who can't live without football....So he has no idea what she's going on about....It would be best to tell her that.....But....Naturally....Being a guy....He decides to buff his way through!!)

Guy: "Right on!!! I love the EPL too!! Thats awesome!!! We're so alike!! EPL is my life!!"
Girl: " Thats so amazing!! I'm a hardcore Red's fan!! You??"
Guy: "OMG!!! I don't believe it!! ME TOO!!"

(Girl thinks to herself....This guy is amazing....He's like perfect for her!! She might be in love....But first....A final test...)

Girl: "So ....You saw the match against the Gunners yesterday??What did you think about it??? You know maybe we can get together and watch the highlights later on......[*wink*]"

(Guy thinks he's made....That was the signal alright!!!!And luckily he glanced the headlines in the paper today morning!! So he knows what happened in yesterdays match....Oh...He's made all right!!)

Guy: "Yeah!! It was an amazing match!! I mean the scoreline was like 5-4!! What a tense action filled match!! Would love to get together and watch us thrashing the daylights out of Manchester United with you....[*winks*]"

I'll leave you to imagine what happens next......Though i can assure you it surely did not involve candles, flowers and coffee together....Though thinking it involved a nuclear bomb,WMD or a kick to the groin wouldn't be such a far bet!!!

So...About the irony of life??
Need i present more evidence??
I rest my case...........

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Coffee or Tea.....Frankly I just want my caffine....

Is it me your looking for??
Cause if you are you've come to the wrong place.....
I'm not here anymore....I've gone to get some coffee....
Be right back I'm sure......
If you want I'll get you a cuppa too.....
Unless your one of those bloody tea drinkers......
In which case get lost you bore!!!
Drink coffee and live forever!!!

Hmm.....Dunno really........There's a message here somewhere.....
No seriously....There is.....I meant to put one here.......Really...

Right over here Actually......

But now its too late i guess......Nevermind......

So whats been up recently....I finally saw Spiderman 3........
Really got in touch with my inner superhero....Really....

The trials and Tribulations......Handling responsibility.......
And most of all....It really shows humanity....

Even a superhuman is still human.....

Ok...Ok...Enough with the farce....Who gives a crap bout story and character .....The action was sexy...Loved the effects..And Venom Kicks Ass!!!!

Now if you'll excuse me i gotta go.....
I'm gonna shoot someone.....
No not really,That comes later....
But just in this little game i know.....

Monday, May 7, 2007

Live for a Dream......Die for a Memory....


An new post....I dunno....I feel the urge to say something nonsensical and random just to make u laugh.....But i wont.....

I'll resist that urge.....Instead i'll write something.....

A poem thats always been in mind....Wanted to write for a long time....Idea been nesting there and never seen the light of day.....Until now.....

Imagine loving someone so much.....Imagine all u had in the world was her.....And you spend your time together.....Speakin of how u both would spend the rest of your life together......And then....

She's gone....And all you have with you is that memory......A Memory of an Eternity....A memory for an Eternity.....

Hope u like it.....And plz do comment....Appreciate if others appreciate what i do......

Memory of an Eternity

You're never really gone,
You're always there beside me,
You're trapped in this dream,
I won't let u escape...

That one perfect moment,
Captured forever in my mind,
Those final few drops of bliss,
In a sea of disappointments....

In that moment be entombed forever,
That one last breath of carefree joy,
Until the world takes over my dreams again,
And responsibilities swallow us back again...

And every dawn the bubble bursts,
The dream has ended,world is how it was,
The pain is back to haunt me,
And I'm mortal again....

Flighting away for the rest of my day,
Awaiting those times of glory,
Waiting for happiness and bliss,
Until the night comes and the memory lives again...

The rest of my life in the requiem of a dream,
In that memory you are with me,
In that memory together we are immortal,
We will live for ever in a dream, Death begone....


Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Close your eyes.....Take a real deep breath.....Then die of your pollen allergy!!!!!

Hmm....Am in an interesting mood....So maybe i'll just post without whining about anything rite now.....

So let me recap on events of the past Cricket World Cup...

Well first of there was the winners Australia...... don't really care about so screw that actually.....I mean come on.....They won sure.....Sure....But MORE importantly Bangladesh played some pretty good cricket!!!

And TEAM INDIA.......More like ALL THANDA!!! I mean seriously....So many ad campaigns for Pepsi and stuff....More like they all fizzed out on the event.......They were all prepared for the world cup to do anything....Except play cricket.....Sad really.....

And then....Explain it to me......Ganguly the one redeeming factor of the team now....Only batsman who put up a consistent and good performance....Is being rested when he's in form......While Viru is retained......Politics man....Never makes bloody sense does it????

Death of Bob Woolmer is funny too.....Not sadistic funny....But sad and tragically hilarious funny....I mean its been a month already and they still don't know for sure whether he was poisoned and strangled or any leads on who did it......i think their strategy is to take their time giving the murderers enough time to confess of their own crimes.....Sigh........

Hmmm....So dats d world cup i guess....Farce all the way.....No great matches.....And Australia won again so yeah.........Moving on........

People should really read more of Terry Prattchett....Really...That man is an amazing author....His wit is in a class of its own up there Douglas Adams and the like.....Hilarious Stuff!!!

And plus a new addition from today......
The Answer To the Philosophical Question for the Day :
So the question being......" Why are we here?"
Well i'd think the answer was obvious ain't it........We are here.......Because there was nowhere else for us to go.....So i guess yeah......If there was somewhere else better to be...What the hell are we doing here??? So yeah....We're here because we're nowhere else.....Nevermind..... /*rolls eyes*/

Hmm....Thats about it folks....All we have time for today