Thursday, March 29, 2007

Is..Chicken Tikka Masala A Conversational Topic??

Ever felt your life was all going downhill???Your bored.....Board exams draggin on......Waiting for excitement....You feel the days pulling.....Then all of sudden....Like a bolt from the skies......

You find yourself talking about CHICKEN TIKKA!!!!!

I mean Chicken Tikka Masala!!!!!!

Am I that bored??? I mean isn't that illegal or something......Its not like I'm interested in cooking....

Its at moments like these it amazes me at the height of deranged the human mind kind reach!!! I mean.....I really should get a life.....Which brings me to the conclusion....Its the systems fault!!

Don't get me started on them......Its all a big conspiracy.....They are all over.....Everywhere.......Even where u think your safest.....But thats off-topic right???

Which comes to acceptable topics of conversation.....I mean we all flirt and do time-pass.....But when do we cross that invisible line that keeps us in the right side of mad???

Talking about cars,book,movies and other stuff is cool......but talking about foodstuff....I mean next thing i might be heard speaking about speaking about Livestock Vaccination........Or maybe government insurance policies!!!

And thats me...But what about the person who introduced the topic and was chatting with me......God save you my friend!!!

I mean say Gaming......Say A perfect Circle......Say South Park.......HELL even say Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles........But Don't.....Don't you ever say....Please Never say Chicken Tikka Masala!!!!!!


div said...

u are a monkey .. and nothing shall change that ... no no ur a mutton .. yes a mutton ... not like mutton curry but like a piece of fat mutton thighs .. yes yes... thats wat u r ... and dont dare mock me u lil bug...... the world revovles around me ... so yes u should start accepting that ur 5 mins of fame is OVER... heheheheheehe

Aadil said...

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles... Dude, u still into that stuff?

Wayward Listener said...

much better. get your closetted side into the open, for more help call
dr wali, self made blog therapist.
yeah i know.

Unknown said...

Dude.....First of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle dig was used to portray how pointless the whole thing is.....I mean I hate that....But yet i would prefer that to bloody Chicken Tikka Masala!!!

And Wali..........
Nevermind...You already know.....

Anonymous said...

Ahh..the Chicken Tikka masala story..a classic!

This incident takes place somewhere last week in the depths of an asylum convert 'Educational institution' where a young scottish girl called Chloe (at 12:23 am) talks about Chicken Tikka MASALA being invented in Glasgow (?!).This of course raised some objections (yeah all of em' want to patent all the good things)and counter arguments...untill this very eventful argument (including the girl who is writing this comment) subsided.

It turns out..Chicken Tikka MAsala is indeed a very interesting topic to talk about... Well if it isnt then screw these guys who actually wasted their time writing a whole article about it!!

Is it
Isnt IT.? (the chicken tikka masala story) Ful of intrigue and Action~~

Scito te ipsum,
Know thyself


p.s i know exactly whom you had that conversation with!! :P

Anonymous said...

u actually managed 2 make my casual statement a bloody BLOG!!!....c now how cud u xpect me 2 faoil 2 mention the depth of ur passion 4 me:P:P

Unknown said...

i have to say.
dont delude urself.....